How to reduce your data

See also the Command-line interface and the Python API documentation.

To show a complete reduction example, and describe all the steps, we will go through the reduction of the planetary nebula IC4406, which was observed during the Wide Field Mode AO Commissioning.


All the configuration is stored in a YAML file, by default settings.yml in the current directory. This file contains all the settings about directories, global options, parameters for the musered commands, and for the reduction recipes.

The complete settings file is available here, we will go through it in this page.

The first part of the file contains general variables, like the working directory; the raw, reduced and calibration paths; version numbers; and logging level:

workdir: '.'
db: 'musered.db'
# For Postgres and other remote databases, this allows to specify and
# environment variable with the database url (with the SQLAlchemy specification)
# db_env: 'MXDF_DB'
raw_path: '{workdir}/raw'
reduced_path: '{workdir}/reduced/{version}'
muse_calib_path: '~/lib/musedrs/muse-calib'

# Version
version: '0.1'
revision: '1'

# log level for the terminal output
loglevel: info

When the file is read, the top-level keys are substituted, which allows to reuse keys, for example with path definitions: '{workdir}/reduced/{version}' will be replaced by './reduced/0.1'.

Dataset definition

The first important step in the organisation of the reduction is the concept of dataset. This defines a set of files that are retrieved and reduced together. This also means that musered can be used to reduce several datasets at the same time, which can be handy when they were observed in the same nights and share the same calibrations.

For instance to define a IC4406 dataset:

# Definition of datasets.
    # This can be used to gather files with different OBJECT names, or to use
    # another name, by default it supposes that the dataset name matches the
    # OBJECT keyword.
    # OBJECT: IC4406
    # OBJECT: [IC4406, IC4406-something]

    # archive_filter contains the parameters passed to
    # astroquery.Eso.query_instrument (its "column_filters" argument).
    # Here for the example we make a query on the target name (obs_targ_name)

Here the first occurrence of IC4406 defines the dataset name, which will be used in various Musered commands like for offsets computation or exposures combination. Then the archive_filter block defines how the data is retrieved from the ESO archive, see the next section.

By default the dataset name must match the OBJECT keyword ot the raw FITS files. This dataset name is used to select the exposures for a given field in the exp-align and exp-combine recipes. It may happen that a given dataset has to match multiple OBJECT names, if the OBJECT name was changed in the observation template for some reason, or for mosaics. In these cases it is possible to rename or combine multiple OBJECT names:

OBJECT: [IC4406, IC4406-something]

The original OBJECT name is saved in the OBJECT_ORIG column in the raw table, which may be useful to do specific cube combinations (see Exposure selection for exp-combine).


After modifying the OBJECT definition in the settings file the database has to be updated with musered update-db --force, to update the OBJECT column in the raw table for all exposures.

This OBJECT value is also stored in the reduced table during the reduction, but it will not be updated. So if a reduction was already started, one has to reprocess the science recipes, or to update manually the reduced table.

Data retrieval

Retrieving data is done with Astroquery. To find all the possible query options for Muse, that can be uses with the archive_filter setting, use this:

$ musered retrieve-data --help-query

archive_filter must then contain a list of key/value items, defining a query on the ESO archive. Each key given by --help-query corresponds to an input of the ESO Raw Data Query Form

For the IC4406 example we just use the target name (obs_targ_name), but it is also possible to specify dates, instrument mode (ins_mode), or a programme ID (prog_id).

Once a dataset is defined in the settings file, its data files can be retrieved with this command:

$ musered retrieve-data IC4406

Note that this also retrieves the calibration files associated to the data. All files are placed in a unique directory (defined by the raw_path setting), which allows to avoid duplicating files for different datasets. When executing again this command, Astroquery checks which OBJECT files have already been downloaded, and makes the query only with the missing ones. Then another check is done for the calibration files, so only the missing files are retrieved.


One drawback of this de-duplication is that, if an OBJECT file was retrieved but the process was interrupted before all its calibrations were retrieved, at the next execution the missing calibrations will not be downloaded.

Using the --force option which will force the query to be done with all OBJECT files.

retrieve-data offers a few more option, like specifying the start or end date for the query (--start, --end), which can be useful to speed-up the query, or --calib to retrieve all the calibration files for a given night.

Ingesting metadata in a database

Then the next step is to ingest FITS keywords in a database (SQLite by default). This step is triggered automatically by the retrieve-data command, but it can also be run manually if needed, with:

$ musered update-db

This command can be run each time new data are retrieved, and by default it will add only the new files that are not yet in the database.

During this step, the raw table is created or updated with FITS keywords from all FITS files found in the raw_path directory. It will also ingest the weather conditions from the text files downloaded from the ESO archive, in the weather_conditions table. And if the GTO_logs setting is filled with some GTO database from muselog, the ranks and comments from observer teams are also ingested.


It is sometimes necessary to force an update of the database, after changes in the settings file. In particular some columns are computed by update-db (OBJECT, runs), so after update the settings it may be useful to update the database with musered update-db --force.

Inspecting the database

The musered info command provides several ways to inspect the content of the database and the state of the reduction. See Inspecting the current status for more details.

Date selection

In various places it is needed to specify dates (settings, command-line). For convenience it is possible to specify ranges of dates (runs), that can be substituted in the settings file, or used in commands.

For instance this defines a GTO27 run, with a tag that can be used later in the settings (&GTO17):

# that are used below for static calibrations. runs are also used to compute
# a run column in the datase, which allows to select exposures by run.
  GTO17: &GTO17
    start_date: 2017-04-01
    end_date: 2017-06-30

Recipe Configuration

The parameters for each recipe can be specified in the recipes block in the settings file. By default this is not needed as the default parameters from the DRS are used, and MuseRed finds automatically the calibration frames. The common block can be used to set parameters for all recipes (for instance for the temporary directory), and the example below shows how to set --saveimages=true for the muse_wavecal recipe:


    # This can be used to change the frames excluded by default
    # frames, or to specify a file for a given frame
    #   exclude: MASTER_DARK
    #   include: [MASTER_FLAT]
      saveimages: True

By default the parameters for a recipe must be set in a block with the recipe name, but this can also be specified with --params which can be used to run the same recipe with different sets of paramaters. The paramater names and values are the same as the DRS ones.


Static calibrations

The static calibrations (badpix table, astrometry, geometry table, etc.) are found in the muse_calib_path directory. It is possible to specify a range of dates for which each file is valid. Here we use the runs defined above (Date selection), with the *GTO17 notation that makes a substitution which the dictionary defined above:

# Static calibrations.
# By default files from the muse_calib_path directory are used, but it is also
# possible here to specify date ranges of validity for specific calibrations.
      start_date: 2015-05-11
      start_date: 2014-09-17
      end_date: 2015-05-10
    astrometry_wcs_wfm_gto17.fits: *GTO17
    astrometry_wcs_wfm_gto19.fits: *GTO19
    geometry_table_wfm_gto17.fits: *GTO17
    geometry_table_wfm_gto19.fits: *GTO19

Frames associations

By default MuseRed search for calibration frames in the database, and use automatically the frames for the current night (for MASTER_BIAS, MASTER_FLAT), or for the previous or following nights (for STD_TELLURIC, STD_RESPONSE, TWILIGHT_CUBE). MASTER_DARK and NONLINEARITY_GAIN are excluded by default.

The frames that are used by default can be configured with the frames dict:

      exclude: MASTER_DARK
      include: [MASTER_FLAT]

It is also possible to specify the path or the files that must be used:

      MASTER_BIAS: /path/to/MASTER_BIAS/

It is also possible to specify frames with a given range of validity, as explained above:

         "{workdir}/path/to/STD_RESPONSE_GTO17.fits": *GTO17
         "{workdir}/path/to/STD_RESPONSE_GTO19.fits": *GTO19

The number of nights before and after the current one, for which frames are searched for, can be specified with offsets:

         STD_TELLURIC: 5
         STD_RESPONSE: 5
         TWILIGHT_CUBE: 3

Frames exclusion

It is possible to exclude globally some files or sequences of calibration, which is useful when a sequence is of bad quality or incomplete, or sometimes just because the ESO associations which lead to the retrieval of calibrations that are not useful.

         # This block matches any raw files, for instance for nights
         # with useless calibrations:
         - night: ["2018-08-11", "2018-08-18"]
         # Block for a given DPR.TYPE == WAVE, then matching files for a
         # bad sequence identified by its TPL.START date:
         - TPL_START: "2018-08-15T19:20:20"

Setting custom frames

It may happen that one need to set a custom OFFSET_LIST or OUTPUT_WCS. This can be done by setting directly the file name. For example here the offsets computed by the DRS are not good, so we could compute manually better offsets and use something like this:

    OFFSET_LIST: '{workdir}/reduced/{version}/exp_align/OFFSET_LIST_new.fits'

Running DRS recipes


Processing the calibrations is done with the musered process-calib command. The different steps can be run for a given night or for all nights. By default the calibrations that have already been processed are not reprocessed, but this can be forced with the --force flag.

The currently available steps and the related command-line options are:

  • muse_bias: --bias

  • muse_dark: --dark

  • muse_flat: --flat

  • muse_wavecal: --wavecal

  • muse_lsf: --lsf

  • muse_twilight: --twilight

By default, when no option is given, all steps except muse_dark are run. The MASTER_DARK frames are also excluded from the inputs of the other recipes.

For instance, to run the muse_bias recipe for a given day:

$ musered process-calib --bias "2017-06-16*"

Or to run muse_flat recipe for all nights:

$ musered process-calib --flat


Running muse_scibasic is straightforward and can be done on all exposures with:

$ musered process-exp --scibasic

One can also give an exposure name to process a specific exposure.


Reduces a standard exposure including both the muse_scibasic and the muse_standard steps:

$ musered process-exp --standard


muse_scipost takes a lot of options and sometimes needs to be run multiple times with different sets of options. The command to run is:

$ musered process-exp --scipost

To run it with different options, for instance to produce more quickly images for the offset computation, the parameters block can be specified with --params:

$ musered process-exp --scipost --params muse_scipost_rec

This would use a muse_scipost_rec block in the settings file, where the Raman correction and the sky subtraction are deactivated:

  # Example of a special version of scipost to produce images for the
  # recentering step. For this we don't need sky-subtraction nor raman
  # correction. Can be run with --params muse_scipost_rec
      exclude: [RAMAN_LINES]
      output_dir: 'scipost-not-recentered'
      dlambda: 5
      # autocalib: 'deepfield'
      skymethod: 'none'
      save: 'cube,autocal'

Computing offsets

The exp-align command provides ways to compute the offsets between exposures, either with the DRS or with Imphot. The default is to use the DRS with the muse_exp_align recipe:

$ musered exp-align IC4406

The configuration for this recipe needs a from_recipe item, which specifies the recipe from which images are used:

    # Compute offsets with the DRS.
    # from_recipe allows to specify the recipe from which files are used.
    from_recipe: muse_scipost_rec
    filt: white

This produces an OFFSET_LIST file, which is stored by default with the name OFFSET_LIST_drs (in the name column). The --name option can be used to give another name to identify the OFFSET_LIST frame.

It is also possible to use Imphot with --method=imphot and the following settings. By default the file will be stored with the OFFSET_LIST_imphot name.

    # Compute offsets with the Imphot.
    from_recipe: muse_scipost_rec
      fix_beta: 2.5
      hst_filters: ["F775W", "F814W"] # "F606W", , "F850LP"
      # hst_filters_dir: '{workdir}/reduced/{version}/hst_filters'
      # hst_outdir: '{workdir}/reduced/{version}/imphot-hst-images'
      hst_img_dir: '{workdir}/HST/XUDF'
      hst_basename: 'hlsp_xdf_hst_acswfc-30mas_hudf_%s_v1_sci.fits'
      hst_resample_each: True

The OFFSET_LIST file can also be computed by other means, when the DRS and Imphot method does not work. This is case for our example field IC4406, for which the correct offsets were computed manually and put in the file {workdir}/OFFSET_LIST_new.fits mentioned below.

Creating recentered cubes

It can be useful to create individual cubes for each exposures, to verify the quality of each cube, measure the FWHM, or for doing some post-processing on the cubes. Now that we have computed offsets, we can use the OFFSET_LIST frame in the parameters, also with sky subtraction and saving additional outputs:

    # scipost using offsets (OFFSET_LIST computed with the drs method, or a
    # file computed by other means) and other options (raman, skysub, autocalib)
      OFFSET_LIST: '{workdir}/OFFSET_LIST_new.fits'
      output_dir: 'scipost'
      # autocalib: 'deepfield'
      skymethod: 'model'
      skymodel_fraction: 0.2
      save: 'cube,skymodel,individual,raman,autocal'

And run with:

$ musered process-exp --scipost

Combining exposures

With the DRS

To combine the exposures for the IC4406 dataset, with the muse_exp_combine recipe:

$ musered exp-combine IC4406

This will use by default the muse_exp_combine parameters block, which includes here the OFFSET_LIST frame:

    from_recipe: muse_scipost
    # This is with the drs method, where one can specify an OFFSET_LIST
    # frame (see above). Other option is to use MPDAF, see below.
      # OFFSET_LIST: drs
      OFFSET_LIST: '{workdir}/OFFSET_LIST_new.fits'


It is also possible to use MPDAF to produce the combined data cube, using the --method argument:

$ musered exp-combine --method mpdaf IC4406

By default this uses the mpdaf_combine parameters block, though as usual this can be specified with the --params argument.

    # Example of cube combination with MPDAF. For this we need cubes that have
    # been produced on the same grid (same OUTPUT_WCS), which is achieved here
    # with muse_scipost_make_cube.
    from_recipe: muse_scipost_make_cube
      method: sigclip
      version: 0.1

For this we need data cubes, which can be produced directly with muse_scipost (adding cube to the save option), or later from the pixtables. As for other recipes, from_recipe allows to specify the recipe from which data cubes are used.

The muse_scipost_make_cube recipe allows to create cubes from PIXTABLE_REDUCED. To be combined by MPDAF, cubes must be on the same grid, and thus they must use the same OUTPUT_WCS frame:

$ musered process-exp --makecube
    # Example of how to produce cubes with the same OUTPUT_WCS, with
    # process-exp --makecube (this is a special version of muse_scipost just to
    # produce cubes).
    from_recipe: muse_scipost
      # OFFSET_LIST can be set either with a string OFFSET_LIST_[method], where
      # method is the one used in muse_exp_align, or directly with a filename
      OFFSET_LIST: '{workdir}/OFFSET_LIST_new.fits'

      # The OUTPUT_WCS used here was computed by running first muse_exp_combine
      # with method: drs (it is the datacube combined with the DRS).
      OUTPUT_WCS: '{workdir}/reduced/0.1/exp_combine/IC4406/DATACUBE_FINAL.fits'
      output_dir: 'scipost_cubes'


Add docs about mosaics.


Add docs about using weights.


Already implemented but needs documentation: exposures selection with database queries, exclusion of flagged exposures.

Selection of exposures

See the paragraphs about flags and exposure selection in the Advanced topics.

Combining standards


Add docs about combining standards